Property Location and Notification

Madera Valley Water Company will locate our main distribution water lines and your service line shut off valve.  This is a free service if done during normal business hours.  We require a minimum of 24 hours notice prior to this service.  Madera Valley Water Company property will be marked with paint on the ground or a painted stake.  A 24-inch margin on either side of the mark will be recognized by the shareholder/contractor.  Charges will be imposed when work performed has damaged Madera Valley Water Company property within that 24-inch margin.  If you damage the main distribution lines or the service line shut off valve you are responsible for the cost of repairs. 
Call Underground Service Alert (USA) at 1-800-642-2444 before beginning any construction which could result in damage to underground water lines.  You can be held liable for up to $10,000.00 in fines for failure to contact USA prior to construction not only for damage to our water lines or any other underground utilities.
Should water service have to be turned off for non-emergency reasons, the shareholder must notify Madera Valley Water Company at least 24 hours prior to the time of anticipated shut-off.
We do not locate, nor are we responsible for the service line which runs from the service line shut off valve to your building (home, office).